Update August 2019:
Early Childhood Level – Student Teacher Observation Tool (STOT) Training Module
Elementary Education Level – Student Teacher Observation Tool (STOT) Training Module
Secondary Level – Student Teacher Observation Tool (STOT) Training Module
Welcome to the NDACTE rater training for the Skills of Teaching Observation Tool (STOT). The training is offered to increase interrater reliability and accuracy in scoring.
The list below briefly overviews the process used to create the expert panel ratings within this training module.
- Videos excerpts were identified and matched with STOT indicators.
- Teacher preparation faculty were invited to be part of the expert panels. Each expert panel had at least 5 members, and most had 10-15. A facilitator coordinated the process.
- The panel viewed the videos and independently rated the teacher’s performance using the STOT indicators.
- The panel members discussed performance of the teacher in the video in relation to the indicators, identifying the evidence for their ratings. The facilitator documented the scores and corresponding evidence.
- The panelists each re-rated the performance, which was converted into a single score for the expert panel using the median and consensus.
- The panel also rated a written artifact from a student teacher, using indicators that typically are not observable in a classroom lesson.
The training begins with information on preventing bias and using evidence for rating. It then moves through three tasks. If the rater is off more than a ½ point from the expert panel, they are encouraged to review the bias prevention information.
Update June 2017:
STOT Validity Summary June 2017 (1)_