North Dakota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

ARTICLE I – Membership

A. Regular Members

a. Section I – Eligibility

i. All state accredited colleges and universities that are members of AACTE and engaged in the preparation of professional school personnel are eligible for regular membership status. Full-time faculty members in these institutions, who have at least 50% of their assignment in teacher preparation, are considered voting members of NDACTE.

1. Two voting members from each member institution will be designated as
Institutional Representatives (IR) responsible for providing a vote on behalf of their institution at monthly NDACTE meetings. Each IR will have 1 vote on monthly meeting agenda items requiring a vote.

b. Section II – Membership Year

i. The membership year shall be from July 1 to June 30.

c. Section III – Dues

i. The dues for regular member institutions shall be established by the NDACTE Executive Board.

B. Affiliate Members

a. Section I – Eligibility

i. All state accredited colleges and universities that are not members of AACTE and engaged in the preparation of professional school personnel are eligible for affiliate membership status. Full-time faculty members in these institutions, who have at least 50% of their assignment in teacher preparation, are considered voting members of NDACTE.

ii. A representative of the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board will have affiliate, non-voting status.

iii. A representative of the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction will have affiliate, non-voting status.

a. Section II – Membership Year

iv. The membership year shall be from July 1 to June 30.

b. Section III – Dues

v. The dues for affiliate member institutions shall be established by the NDACTE Executive Board.

ARTICLE II – Voting Rights of Members

A. Full-time faculty members in NDACTE colleges and universities with regular membership and, who have at least 50% of their assignment in teacher preparation, have full voting rights at the annual

a. Voting on monthly NDACTE meeting agenda items will be the responsibility of Institutional Representatives who are members of NDACTE.

B. Full-time faculty members in NDACTE colleges and universities with affiliate membership, who have at least 50% of their assignment in teacher preparation, have full voting rights at the annual meeting, except on votes taken on agenda items that deal with national and AACTE issues and initiatives.

C. The Dean or Chair of each NDACTE member institution shall provide annually a list to the Executive Board of faculty at their institutions who are NDACTE members.

ARTICLE III – Officers

A. Executive Board

a. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Past President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, a Representative to the AACTE Advisory Council of State Representatives from colleges and universities with regular membership, and one faculty member from a college or university with affiliate membership and shall meet bi-annually. Amendment 5/2019: The President, Past President or the President Elect may also serve as the ACSR. The ACSR will be a 2-year term.

b. The Executive Board shall hold monthly NDACTE meetings with Executive Board members, Institutional Representatives, NDACTE members, affiliate members and other invited guests in

i. The Executive Board will conduct the business of NDACTE between meetings; develop and implement policy and approve the agenda and budget for the annual meeting.

c. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the verification of eligibility for membership and shall maintain a list of all members and current institutional membership status.

d. The Executive Board shall annually appoint an Audit Committee of members who will be responsible for auditing all revenue and expenses for the year.

e. The Executive Board shall appoint members to other committees, as needed.

B. Officers’ Terms of Office

a. The term for each Executive Board member shall run from July 1 to June 30 with the term lengths as follows:

i. President – two years
ii. President Elect – one year
iii. Past President – one year
iv. Secretary – two years
v. Treasurer – two years

vi. AACTE State Representative (ACSR)- two years
vii. Affiliate Member – two years

b. The President Elect will hold office the second year of the current President’s terms and the Past President will hold office the first year of the current President’s term. The secretary and treasurer will be elected on opposite years from one another.

C. Duties of Officers

a. The President shall preside at Executive Board meetings, at the annual meeting, and at special meetings scheduled by the Executive Board. The President will be responsible for the coordination of all NDACTE policies as established by the Executive Board.

b. The President Elect shall assist the President and shall succeed to the Presidency, if for any reason the President cannot fulfill the duties of that office.

c. The Treasurer shall supervise all monies paid into and out of the general fund and all other funds, and is responsible for managing a checking account and paying all NDACTE bills. The Treasurer will prepare a financial statement for presentation at the annual meeting.

d. The Secretary shall take minutes at each Executive Board meeting, at NDACTE monthly meetings and at the annual meeting. The Secretary will keep an updated list of NDACTE members.

e. The ACSR shall serve as the state liaison representative to AACTE and shall attend the AACTE state liaison national meetings.

f. The affiliate faculty member have no assigned duties, unless assigned duties by the Executive Board.

ARTICLE IV – Nominating Committee

A. Purpose
The Nominating Committee assists the Executive Board by preparing a slate of recommended nominees for officer positions that become vacant at the next annual meeting.

B. Membership
The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members designated as Institutional Representatives, and the majority of the committee shall be independent of the Executive Board.

C. Duties
The Nominating Committee’s primary duty is to propose candidates for officer positions on the Executive Board. The Nominating Committee shall also be responsible for proposing the remuneration to be paid to any Executive Board member of the NDACTE. The Nomination Committee’s proposals in this respect shall include an explanation of how the committee has arrived at its proposal.

D. Procedures
The Nominating Committee constitutes a quorum if a majority of the members are present or participate in committee discussion. Decisions made by the Nominating Committee require the agreement of a
simple majority of the members present. If a tie vote with members present occurs, the third member of the committee will have the deciding vote.

Procedures for preparing slate of open Board position nominees:

a. The Nominating Committee issues a call for nominations that references duties and responsibilities of each open position and a deadline for receiving nominations.

b. Candidates nominated for election to the Executive Board must agree to serve the NDACTE in the position nominated. Any member of the Executive Board who is also a member of the Nominating Committee may offer to be re-elected to the Executive Board. The Nominating Committee shall take into consideration the views of NDACTE members and Institutional Representatives when making recommendations.

c. The Nominating Committee collects nominations, meets to consider all nominees and votes on a single representative to be recommended to the Executive Board for each open officer position.

d. The Nominating Committee submits the list of nominees to the President of the Executive Board in time for inclusion on the agenda of the Executive Board meeting of the Annual NDACTE meeting. The slate will comprise one name for each position that is becoming vacant, but may include two recommended nominees. If more than one name is submitted per
vacant position, the Executive Board will vote to fill the position.

e. The nominating Committee will prepare a written summary of the nominating processes and submit to the Secretary of the Executive Board.

ARTICLE V – Annual Meeting

A. There shall be a NDACTE annual meeting scheduled each year at a time and place determined by the Executive Board.

ARTICLE VI – Finances

A. Section I – Fiscal Year

a. The fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30.

B. General Fund

a. The general fund shall consist of the income from membership and any other income which NDACTE may accrue.

C. Budget

a. An annual budget shall be presented by the Treasurer to the Executive Board and approved by the Executive Board the month prior to the annual meeting.

b. Grant money or other specified money from the State or other entities may have a separate budget as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.

D. Disbursement of Funds

a. All monies paid to the general fund shall be supervised by the Treasurer and shall be disbursed according to the approved annual budget. All non-budgeted expenditures must be approved by the Executive Board.

E. Financial Reports

a. An annual report of the general fund, including income and expenditures for the fiscal year, shall be prepared by the Treasurer for presentation at the NDACTE annual meeting and submission as part of the Annual State Activity Report to AACTE.
